Event Recap: Green Skills in the Sustainable Building Sector (DE)

2nd May 2024, 17:00 - 19:45, Flemings Hotel Wien-Stadthalle, Vienna

In collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences – Campus Vienna, GFSE held the event Green Skills in the Sustainable Building Sector. The event addressed current critical challenges in the field of sustainable building, while offering a distinct opportunity for the keynote speakers to engage in dialogue with the audience.

The event featured four distinct keynotes, featuring inputs from both research and practice, displaying innovative advancements in incorporating sustainable elements throughout the Austrian building sector. Professor Rieger-Jandl of the University of Applied Sciences – Campus Vienna, held the opening keynote on the ecological advantages of utilizing clay as a main material in the construction process of buildings. Professor Sint of the University of Applied Sciences – Campus Vienna continued with the emphasis of supporting the fruitful cooperation between numerous sectors, such as civil engineers and architects, already on a university level, by introducing the audience to the interdisciplinary courses of the University of Applied Sciences – Campus Vienna degrees (offered as a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree) in Green Building.

Insights from practice were granted by Dirk Jäger of the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG), the Austrian Federal Real Estate Company, who introduced the trailblazing Holistic Building Program, featuring extensive in-house criteria to sustainable building procedures, accounting for the entire supply chain and for the case of building demolition. Mr. Jäger emphasized the importance of developing standardised specifications for green buildings for contractors. He also highlighted that the BIG is applying the silver standard of klimaaktiv, the climate protection initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), for all new buildings to ensure that they fulfil energy efficiency minimum energy performance standards. Last but not least, Susanne Formanek of the GRÜNSTATTGRAU (engl. Green instead of Gray) enterprise, offered insights into the contributions of green facades to cooling metropolitan areas as well as the interlinkages between local authorities, architects and botanic experts.

The event was rounded off by a podium discussion between GFSE President Dr. Irene Giner-Reichl, the four keynote-speakers and questions from the audience. Enriching answers were given by the keynote-speakers to the topics of the growing demand for trainings to obtain green skilled workers, the advancement of standardization processes in attaining sustainable building permits, as well as further initiatives to attain gender-equality throughout the green building sector.

Kindly note that this event was held in German.

Unsere Veranstaltung Green Skills im nachhaltigen Gebäudesektor bot ein Forum, innovative Ansätze im nachhaltigen Bauen zu entdecken sowie eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, um wesentliche Fragen und Herausforderungen im Bereich des nachhaltigen Bauens mit Expert:innen und Studierende aus der Branche zu diskutieren.

Hier gehts zu den Präsentationen:

Zukunftsfähiges Bauen mit Lehm: Neue Technologien und Skills

Transdisziplinarität in der Lehre

Das Holistic Building Program [HBP] der BIG

Neue Planungsansätze in der grünen Branche

Hier gehts zum Konzept:



Agenda Green Skills im nachhaltigen Gebäudesektor

Einlass und Empfang


inkl. Kaffee und Canapés



Mag.a Dr.in Irene Giner-Reichl
Präsidentin von GFSE

Zukunftsfähiges Bauen mit Lehm: Neue Technologien und Skills

Ao. Univ. Prof.in Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in phil. Andrea Rieger-Jandl


Transdisziplinarität in der Lehre

DI.in Dr.in Hildegard Sint


Das Holistic Building Program [HBP] der BIG

Mag. Dirk Jäger

Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.h

Neue Planungsansätze in der grünen Branche

Dipl.-Ing.in Susanne Formanek

Forschungs- und Innovations- GmbH


Diskussionsrunde der Keynote-Speaker:innen
Moderiert von Mag.a Dr.in Irene Giner-Reichl, Präsidentin von GFSE


Mag.a Dr.in Irene Giner-Reichl
Präsidentin von GFSE