GFSE Event on 29th May 2019: Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries
29th May 2019, 14:00 – 16:30
K°LP!NGHAUS WIEN-ZENTRAL, Gumpendorfer Straße 39, 1060 Vienna, Austria
Developing and emerging countries face a number of challenges to meet basic needs, address inequality, build infrastructure, overcome shortage of skills, alleviate poverty, diversify and modernize their economies, promote the private sector and reduce unemployment, among others. Through innovative policy frameworks, technologies, business models and financing schemes, renewable energy and energy efficiency can substantially contribute to tap synergies between economic development and poverty reduction, on the one hand, and climate protection on the other.
Cities are vulnerable to climate change and already today are being affected by its impacts. Extreme weather events (e.g. storms, floods, droughts, heat waves, sea level rise), for example, can disrupt urban infrastructures and services. High population density can complicate the impacts of such climate-triggered disruptions, given that the rapid urbanization trends already pose a considerable strain on water and energy supply, land use, waste management, sanitation and transport. On the other hand, cities are well positioned to undertake climate protection actions. Long-lived urban infrastructures have a substantial influence on our ability to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate change. Therefore, it is important that decisions made today pave the way for low-carbon, climate-resilient urban infrastructures.
Clean energy systems are a key element in making cities climate-smart. Access to affordable renewable energy and energy efficiency can also substantially improve the livelihoods of the urban poor. The uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency can further yield substantial co-benefits and should be coordinated with other urban infrastructures. Thus, there is a need for a nexus approach between water, energy, land use, waste management, sanitation and transport in urban areas. Actors need to cooperate so that infrastructure projects fit together into a low-carbon, climate resilient city system. City-level action must also be supported by national policies enabling cities access to sufficient resources and knowledge and guaranteeing sufficient coordination between city administrations and regional/national authorities. In addition, given the shortage of public funds, cities must increase their ability to attract private investment to climate-resilient urban infrastructure projects.
This workshop, organized by the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE), will explore the role of energy efficiency and renewable energy in providing energy services in urban areas of developing countries. Join us in the conversation and help contribute to sustainable development efforts in cities! To learn more about the event, have a look at the final agenda.
To attend the expert workshop, please register by sending an email to: shruti.athavale@energyagency.at.